(C) 2022 - COVESA
(C) 2022-2023 - MBition GmbH
(C) 2023 - Novaspring AB
Documentation generated from: ffe6891426f8050ee0261a96cf2961204f5be1fe
This manual is useful primarily for implementation of new IFEX tools, but sometimes also for people who use the tools and then develop software based on the output that was generated to/from IFEX. Before reading the developers’ manual, make sure you have read the IFEX Core IDL specification and FAQ.
By “mapping” we mean to describe how we may interpret and ultimately translate IFEX to or from another interface description environment, or a particular output format (computing environment, protocol, programming language, etc.). It can be such things as listing the “features” of IFEX and seeing how we may implement those features in the target environment (or the opposite direction, listing the features of the other environment and how IFEX can meet them).
General documents describe our general strategy for approaching mappings.
Individual documents describe particular target (or source) standards.
This is a general overview of how to approach mapping of fundamental datatypes between IFEX and another technical environment.
Based on this general advice, specific plans are typically written for the translation/mapping between IFEX and a certain technology. They might be linked under the Mapping documents chapter.
Generic data type | Explanation | IFEX Fundamental type | How to represent in IFEX if not fundamental type |
Integer | uint32, int32, and other sizes… | ||
Floating point | float, double | ||
Boolean | boolean | ||
Tuple | A pair, triple, or larger group of objects, possibly of different type. | – | Assumed to be represented by an array of fixed size (if identical types), or a Struct (if mixed types), or array of Variant s (if unknown/dynamic mixed types are needed)** |
Union/Variant | A data type that allows a variable to hold values of different data types at different times. | variant | |
Bit field | Efficient encoding of on/off true/false switches, as a collection of bits handled as an integer | – | Assumed to be represented by a fixed size integer**, or (better, more descriptive and more generic) by an array of booleans** |
Enum class | Enumeration type that provids type safety and scoping of constants. | Enumeration | |
Set | A collection of unique elements, where each element occurs only once. A set is typically used to store a collection of items that are unordered and where the order does not matter. | set (new)* | |
Map/Dictionary/Key-Value | A collection of key-value pairs, where each key is associated with a value. | map (new)* |
* Sets and Maps could have been represented in IFEX using the other fundamental types, possibly with a “Layer” that adds on the special behavior of Sets and Maps. (How Set/Map can be simulated in environments that don’t support them natively is described in the next chapter). Despite this, it was decided that sets and maps in interfaces are common enough that IFEX Core IDL should support them as fundamental types.
** These solutions propose to represent datatypes using a comparable fundamental type in the IFEX interface description. In many cases this is enough and carries the required behavior over to the IFEX Core IDL types. However, in some cases this might be more like an approximation of the original type behavior. If there are any constraints or type behavior that would be lost be translating to the IFEX Core IDL only, then an additional layer file can be created to include those aspects. If this seems hard to understand, it is probably clearer when looking at the other direction IFEX -> Other, in which case such additional layers will be part of the input files to control how the IFEX representation shall be translated to the Other environment. In any case, when processed, this combination of IFEX Core IDL and possibly additional layer can ensures the behavior remains according to the original type.
For example: the generic interface description may contain several parameters that are of type array-of-boolean. The usage might in some environments have a deployment model that specifies that (for one specific instance) it shall be represented as a bitfield, whereas other instances remain as array-of-boolean in the generated code. Other code-generation environments may instead have a built in rule that bitfields shall be used as the default translation. In either case, these particular mapping rules are defined by the target environment, i.e. requirements on how the code-generator shall behave, including additional information that the deployment model may provide. They are not in the core interface description, as represented by the IDL, but in additional layers, as well as the particular behavior of the code-generator (as described in its requirements or documentation).
For primitive types, we won’t repeat them here - in effect the table above can simply be referred to in reverse order. From time to time a widening (using more bits) might be needed for ints and floats if the exact size is not available in the target environment. We would expect widening mappings to be safe but when a mapping is reversed we should normally not use a narrowing mapping, unless it is known to be safe, for example through known value-range constraints.
Let’s consider a few of the slightly more complex types instead:
Here we will see how we may represent things on a data protocol that does not fundamentally know about more complex type behaviors like Set and Map, and can fundamentally only transfer things like arrays and structs.
IFEX built-in type | Explanation | Explanation/mapping if other environment does not support it |
set |
A collection of unique elements, where each element occurs only once, and usually, the order does not matter | A set can simply be represented by a collection (array). That values shall be unique is either known and enforced on both sides of a server/client interface, and/or after data-transfer an actual Set type might be used in the rest of the program if the programming language supports it |
map |
A collection of key-value pairs, where each key is associated with a value. | A map can be represented as a linear array of Variant (alternating keys and values), or better structured as an array of 2-tuples (pairs). A tuple in turn is also either a 2-array, or a struct with two members (key and value). One natural choice is to represent it as an array of such structs. Either key or value could be a Variant types if that type is variable or unknown. |
opaque |
An IFEX representation of a data type that is either not possible or not desired to describe in further detail | Can be equivalent to a void-pointer (low-level C), Variant<> type (where supported), or array-of-bytes. When transferring Opaque across a data protocol, it might be Variant if supported, or simply be an array-of-bytes, where the server and client knows how to re-interpret the value on the other side |
variant |
A type that contain objects of different types, a.k.a. union/Any/Variant. | This is a representation of a “union” or “variant” type in IFEX core IDL - in other words a type that contains one (any) choice out of a list of multiple types. In programming environments that support Variant types it is not an unknown binary-blob, but the actual type of the object is known underneath. Just like opaque, there are several possible ways to creatively represent variant if the target environment does not have the type built in. If the client and server side can be trusted to both convert the serialized representation back to the correct Variant type, then an anonymous “blob” (array of bytes) can of course be used for the data transfer. If not, more creative solutions need to be created where we describe both the data, and the actual type information explicitly (in a struct for example) and transfer that over the interface. |
Generic data type | Explanation | IFEX Fundamental type | How to represent in IFEX if not fundamental type |
Function/Lambda | Some programming environments have functions as first class objects and can transfer them as arguments in interfaces. | – | The application of this would often be specific to a programming language environment, and it’s unlikely that the interface description will be highly portable if this feature was represented in the interface description. When needed it is possible to define an appropriate typedef for transferring code, for example as a string (interpreted language) or binary blob (compiled/bytecode), or as fallback “opaque”. Beyond this, the details are undefined in the core IDL scope and left open for a target environment to define. |
Reference/Pointer | – | This is not considered a datatype in the IDL. If we are truly speaking about a Type, that signifies a reference to something else, this could be modeled using a system-specific typedef, like using a string name/identifier to refer to an object, or any other appropriate encoding of that data. That is the explaination why Reference/Pointer it is not seen as a datatype in its own right. To understand how arguments are passed by pointer or reference (in C++ or other languages), see the separate section below. | |
Iterator | A data type that allows traversal of elements in a container, such as an array or linked list. | – | Assumed to be represented by a primitive type such as integer (or struct if required) |
If a system includes some data type that does not fit into any of the generalized types above, it can be modeled as the opaque type in the IFEX IDL. This is a last resort and together with information that is probably provided by a deployment layer, a specific code generator would encode the type behavior that is necessary.
The IFEX core interface description (IDL) focuses on describing reusable, generic, behavior of interfaces. It does not prescribe how to transfer an argument to a method, only the type of the argument, and its in/out expectation. In a lot of cases, IFEX will be used in an over-the-network IPC or RPC scenario where the question of pointers/reference is moot. However, when used to represent a programming interface it may be worthwhile to comment on this. From the general IFEX description we can deduce that a pass-by-value behavior is generally assumed for “in” parameters. However, it is still up to the target environment code generator to decide if language features like pointers and references make sense. The exact translation might be controlled by deployment layer information. For example, some target environments could make use of immutable (const) references in the generated code for “in” parameters, and pointers or references for “out” parameters. In either of these cases there is still no need to mention a specific reference type in the IFEX interface description - it is all decided in the particular target environment mapping. This is a long way of saying that the IFEX core IDL does not need to support the concept of pointers or references, but in particular cases code-generators might use certain layer types to control if such features are used.
IFEX straddles a line carefully. On the one hand, the concept requires strongly that interface descriptions shall be pure and free from target-environment specific details, so that they can have maximum reuse in a new context. On the other hand, for an individual developer, it may in some cases be more convenient to keep all relevant information (for a certain target environment) within a single file, rather than having to work in multiple layer files at the same time. Keeping the pure interface description free of deployment details avoids the common scope-creep pitfall, that makes the core IDL grows over time with deployment-specific details. That has happened to many other attempts at interface-frameworks that start simple but over time add more and more necessary deployment details that only fit their particular purpose.
For this reason, IFEX tools are planned to support a number of features to reach a good compromise between the IFEX separation-of-concerns concept and “developer-friendliness”. For example:
field to indicate the layer type this file adheres to, and a schema:
field that uniquely identifies the name of the corresponding JSON schema that can be used to test the file for conformance.The first remedy for this is IFEX tools ability to convert in the first place. Any output format that is considered “more readable” is perfectly fine to use when this is desired, and conversion or visualization tools should support many ways to study/view the information for maximum usefulness. When tools are solid, it is basically possible to use any chosen format for the manual editing, in order to feed the framework with information.
- name: A
- name: B
- name C
This can alternatively use the shortcut notation:
- name: A.B.C
- name: A.B
- name C
- name myMethod
- name: activityVariant
type: string
can also use the shortcut:
- name: A.B.C.MyMethod
However, this would not be possible:
- name: A.B.C.MyMethod.activityVariant
…because an “input” node is not valid underneath the parent node of type Namespace. It must be located under a method node and tools are not expected to know that ‘MyMethod’ refers to a method node in this case.
These rules are stated for the IFEX Core IDL and apply generally to any layer that follows the same hierarchical structure as the fundamental interface definition written in IFEX Core IDL. We might remind here, however, that a new Layer Type is theoretically free to define its own rules and formats – see next chapter.
A Layer Type defines the rules for how Layer Instances (or more commonly simply “layers”) of that type shall be written. It is basically free to define its own rules for the YAML format. To fit into the IFEX tool philosophy it shall however:
1) Use a YAML-based format 2) Be designed to add some new context or target-environment specific information 3) Never redefine or overlap the IFEX Core IDL scope
Here we exemplify this freedom with a theoretical Layer Type that is able to specify that certain method parameters must be transferred using a data integrity check (but others not). In other words, the expectation from this Layer Type and its associated code-generator tool is that it should add the calculation of a CRC checksum on the sending side, and check it on the receiving side, but only for those method parameters that specify this.
This is also an example of a fundamental principle in the IFEX approach - many systems take a more primitive approach and model the dataCRC as an explicit method parameter. This means adding/removing this changes the interface definition and gives a tighter coupling. Here we show the advantage of separating the purely functional description of the interface - in this framework the method needs a parameter that is called activityvariant. The need for integrity check on this parameter (because it may be particularly critical that the wrong activity is not started?) is not related to the function itself, but rather a characteristic that may be decided at a later stage in design. The modification of the generated code for this exchange would be the responsibility of the code generator, rather than the original interface designer who can focus on the functionality only. In another system, perhaps the communication is protected by a transport-level data integrity checker, and this is considered OK. So in that case, the use of this dataCRCcheck defined on the parameter is not necessary. This clear separation of the functional interface definition from its deployment details makes all interface descriptions more reusable in different contexts.
We also simplify the work by delegating to a code-generator all things that can be automatically generated from simple meta-data configuration. It is of course always possible for a designer to fall back on modelling such parameters explicitly as part of the interface description itself, with the knowledge that it may reduce the flexibility somewhat.
First we look at the normally recommended way to create layer types, which is that they should mimic the structure of the core IDL when adding new metadata to an object, like this:
- name: A.B.C.MyMethod
- name: activityVariant
dataCRCcheck: true
dataCRCcheck field is the only new piece of information, that is not part of IFEX Core IDL. Note here that all other parts are mirroring the original core-IDL hierarchy that we would see in the IFEX Core IDL definition of this method and its input.
The above strategy is the recommended structure to keep things consistent, but to exemplify that layers are in principle free to define their own YAML-syntax and rules, the following would also be possible:
- A.B.C.MyMethod.activityVariant: true
- A.B.C.MyMethod.anotherParam: false
So, in a situation where the designer** of this Layer Type anticipates that there will be many very similar lines and feels that the above is a more efficient way to write the information, THEN such a layer type definition is allowed. This format is not allowed by the core IDL language, but it may be allowed by this Layer Type! It should here be noted that the ability to build visualization tools that can add/remove layers or separate the input from different layers might be affected if the hierarchical nature is not matched between Core IDL and other layers. With that said, layer types are there to support efficient developer use (primary), and efficient tool implementation (secondary), so considering how things are best expressed is part of the task of defining a new Layer Type.
**If the Layer Type has general applicability, it is of course recommended to discuss with the IFEX Community to get inspiration and feedback about what the most appropriate format is for any given Layer Type, and to strive to create a common catalog of “official” Layer Types as well.
When the documentation speaks about generators, it is simply programs that output (non-IFEX) content:
Let’s identify two main ways that a tool can be configured:
Q: When should configurability be placed into layers, compared to command-line flags/parameters?
A: Consider if the behavior is being changed “for all input”, or in different ways for different objects mentioned in the main IFEX IDL file:
Layers are usually designed to refer to the individual items in the IFEX Core IDL description and add new metadata to their definitions. Thus, layers are there to configure things individually (by referring to each item, or through some pattern matching) for each item that is described in the interface. For example, one Property
might have get/set methods generated for it, whereas another Property
in the same interface should only have subscribe/unsubscribe methods generated for it. One Method
might be marked as “asynchronous” to generate appropriate code for asynchronous invocation, whereas another is going to be synchronous/blocking, and so on.
Just like different interface descriptions (IFEX Core IDL) are given as input, different layer files might be given to the tool on each invocation.
In contrast, parameters that affect mostly the whole generation step equally and are not modifying individual items of the input, should be given directly to the tool. Most commonly, this is done by designing command line parameters that the tool accepts when it is run, but it is up to the designer to decide if an some other file (perhaps YAML) file is provided as input also to control such global configurations.
A simple generator (with only one template) can be done like this:
function in generator module, and pass the AST, and the name of a single template.Unless you need to add more logic, generating one input file with one (or several)
templates is basically already available if ifex_generator.py is called as a
main program. You specify the directory name (relative to <project-dir>/output_filters/templates
where the template(s) is stored. Note that setup.py
“installs” an executable entrypoint
to call the program:
ifexgen -d template-directory <service-description.yml>
An advanced generator (with several templates) can be done like this:
or gen(node, <Template>)
from within a template - see details below. Templates must be under a specific sub-directory of <project-dir>/output_filters/templates
and must be named with the naming convention such that the node type is mentioned first (see template chapter).gen()
function, normally by delegating directly into ifex_generator.gen()
, but you can put your own logic here if needed.gen()
function with the topmost node. Store output in an appropriate file.gen()
function with another node, and another template for another file (for example, generating .c and .h header files from the same input)… implement any other required logic in the generator code, and/or with the advanced control options available in jinja2 templates.
The generic generation always passes the top-level node (of type “AST”) to the top-level template. The template(s) can, if needed, call the gen() function on lower level nodes.
Unless a specific template is specified, the gen() function will use the predefined table of templates and call the one that matches the node type that was passed. The table was initialized by the TemplateDir module, using the naming-convention mapping.
In other words, internally in the TemplateDir module, something like this will be set up, by matching the name of the template to the name of the node.
default_templates = {
'AST' : 'AST-mystuff-toplevel.txt',
'Interface' : 'Interface-mystuff.c',
'Type' : 'Type-mystuff-smart_type_mapper.c',
'Method' : 'Method-mystuff.c'
All node templates must be inside a single directory (specified with the -d
flag when calling ifexgen
. The naming convention is that the template file name must start with the node type name. The rest of the file name does not matter*.
- AST.suffix
- Method-.something
- Interface-arbitrary_comments_can_be_written_here.html
* If more than one template matches the node name (don’t do that, unsupported) then the last found template will be used.
NOTE: It is not required to specify a separate template for every type as long as one of the upper level templates handle all necessary cases. For simple cases, a single top-level AST template could even suffice for the whole generation and there are some such examples in the templates directory. (Also see further description under Variable use in templates).
The gen()
function has a short name to be convenient in templates.
You can call the gen()
function from within a template to delegate the
required work for generating a certain node type to a separate template file.
(See Template example later). Thus the templates can effectively “call” each
other, without the need for template-include or template-inheritance features
that jinja2 provides (but those features are of course also still possible to use).
can be called with (1) just the node (evaluating the passed parameter type at run-time)
or (2) by explicitly stating a template:
def gen(node : AST)
example use:
This variant will dynamically determine the node type (a subclass of AST) and generate using the predetermined template for that node type.
def gen(node : AST, templatename : str)
example use:
gen(node, 'My-alternative-method-template.tpl')
The only strict requirement is that all templates to be used by automatic type-to-template mapping in the gen() function, must be within the same subdirectory and must be named according to the naming conventioned mentioned before.
Templates can be stored in the sub-directories of the output_filters/templates/ directory.
The intended target format (output format) is normally clear from the naming of the subdirectory. E.g. “protobuf”, or “D-Bus” or “ARXML” or other output format.
Templates are only required to be named by using the node type name at the start of the file name, but here is a more detailed proposed naming convention:
. If it is generating a
programming language, use an appropriate suffix for that language.If there is no obvious output type, we use normally “.tpl”.
The passed node and will have a particular node type (subclass to AST). The type depends on what type of template is being rendered (or more correctly, what was specified when the generation function was called – either a top level function like render_ast_with_template_file() or a call to gen() with the node in question as parameter.)
When using the provided generator convenience functions, the node that is “passed to the template” (roughly speaking) will always be named item
The class member variables (referring to the children of a node) in
all AST nodes are public. This means they can be referenced directly through
dot-notation inside code that is embedded in the jinja template. For example,
if the passed item
is a Service the template can get to the list of
namespaces in the service by just referencing it: item.namespaces
This of course means that dot-notation could also be chained:
- the description of the first
method name in the second namespace.
It is however more likely to use loop constructs to iterate over lists than to address specific indexes like that:
jinja2 is a very capable templating language. Generators can make use of any features in python or jinja2 to create an advanced generator. Any features that might be applicable in more than one place would however be best generalized and introduced into the ifex_generator.py helper module, for better reuse between custom generator implementations.
This template expects that the “item” passed in is a Service object. It calls the gen() function from within the template, for each of the method objects. This delegates the work to to a separate template for Methods.
// General file header information
// ...
// Service interface name:
The gen() function in the ifex_generator implementation will determine the node
type of x
at runtime, yielding Namespace
. It will will then look into the
variable to see which is the template file to use for a
Service node, and generate the node using that template.
The default_templates
are defined when instantiating the JinjaTemplateEnv
class with a given template directory. A search will happen to find the
matching templates in that directory.
A custom generator implementation might modify this variable to achieve other effects, or instantiate more than one JinjaTemplateEnv.