The Hierarchical Information Model (HIM) is an initiative by COVESA to define a syntax for how to define taxonomies containing different types of information. The documentation, source code and releases can be found in the HIM github repository.
The information of a domain that is described using HIM is represented in a graph made up of a tree structure with parent-child relationships,
as shown in Figure 1.
*Figure 1. HIM graph structure
The model provides a structured solution to a scenario where an entity, e. g. a server, manages multiple domain taxonomies.
A domain can in the HIM context be defined with the help of two dimensions:
HIM specifies rule sets for the different information types that can then be used to define taxonomies for different coherent domains.
The creation of taxonomies for different domains is not done within the HIM project, it is expected to be done by other projects using the HIM rule sets. One example of such a project is the Vehicle Signal Specification project.
The documentation is structured in the different rule sets shortly described below.
Rules for describing resources that can be represented by static or dynamically changing data values.
Rules for describing services that can be represented by procedure signatures.
Rules for describing complex datatype definitions, specifically struct definitions.
Rules for how a set of domain taxonomies is defined.
Rules that are commonly used in the other rule sets.
The HIM model supports different information types, and a server exposing an interface that uses HIM for its data representation may have to implement features that its clients have no interest in. A server to be used in an environment where the Resource data type (i. e. classical signals) is used can then be implemented without support for a service oriented architecture (SOA). To support scenarios like this HIM specifies the three different profiles shown below.
A client that issues an inquiry on what profile is supported shall receive information on that in the response.
The HIM Resource profile excludes use of trees that contain the Service data information type. This profile is for example compatible with the VSS tree.
The HIM Service profile excludes use of trees that contain the Resource data information type. This profile can for example be used in “pure” SOA architectures.
The HIM All profile supports use of trees that contain data of any HIM specified information type. This makes it possible for a server to serve clients that wants to have access to both “classical signals” and services represented by function calls.
The ideas behind HIM originated in the COVESA VSS project, when interest started to be raised for using it for of not only resource data but also service data, and for different domains than the legacy VSS passenger car domain. This may explain why examples in this documentation are often taken from that domain.