Value Restrictions

HIM supports the following metadata for restricting the valid values of data.

  • min
  • max
  • allowed


The minimum value, within the interval of the given datatype, that the data entry can be assigned. If omitted, the minimum value will be the “Min” value for the given datatype. The min restrictions can only be used data having a “number"datatype (intx, uintx, float, double). Must not be specified if allowed is defined in the same node.


The maximum value, within the interval of the given datatype, that the data entry can be assigned. If omitted, the maximum value will be the “Max” value for the given datatype. The max restrictions can only be used data having a “number"datatype (intx, uintx, float, double). Must not be specified if allowed is defined in the same node.

Min and Max Example

  type: sensor
  unit: percent
  datatype: float
  min: 0
  max: 100.0
  description: Physical state of charge of the high voltage battery, relative to net capacity.


The allowed restriction defines a array of accepted data values, defined as a comma separated list of values confined within square brackets, see example below. It is expected, that any value not mentioned in the array is considered an error and the implementation of the specification shall react accordingly. The datatype of the array elements shall be compatible with the datatype defined for the data entry itself.

  datatype: string
  type: attribute
  default: 'FRONT_LEFT'
  allowed: ['FRONT_LEFT', 'FRONT_RIGHT']
  description: Position of the steering wheel on the left or right side of the vehicle.

If allowed is set, min or max cannot be defined.

allowed is valid for all datatypes.

Recommendation on String values

For string values used for allowed statements it is recommended to start with A-Z and then use only A-Z, 0-9 and underscore (_). It is recommended to use single quotes (') as delimiter before and after the string value. It is not recommended to specify a dedicated value corresponding to “unknown” or “undefined” as data values in general are not expected to have unique values for this.

Allowed values for array types

The allowed keyword can also be used for array datatypes. In that case, allowed specifies the only valid values for all the array elements, see example below.

  datatype: string[]
  type: attribute
  description: Brief list of dog breeds.

Examples of valid arrays:

  [] # Empty array
  ['PUG', 'PUG'] # duplication is allowed

Example of an invalid array:

  ['PAPILLON', 'VIZSLA', 'LOBSTER'] # LOBSTER is not in the allowed value list

Allowed for struct types

Please see struct documentation.